| 1. | Her strong, professional but feminine leadership style is accentuated by her fashion.
| 2. | Blair is said to be an admirer of Thatcher's decisive leadership style.
| 3. | Servant leadership can be most likely associated with the participative leadership style.
| 4. | She flourished in her ventures and in using her authoritarian leadership style.
| 5. | His leadership style was described as similar to that of other pilots.
| 6. | It requires a different kind of leadership style to do it, though.
| 7. | Dan is a very fine journalist with a focused, determined leadership style,
| 8. | Leadership style is authoritarian on strategic issues but participative on operations level.
| 9. | The way he went about it revealed something of his leadership style.
| 10. | Eisner's has taken heat for what critics see as micromanaging leadership style.